With the recent absence of other developers making tools for Palia, here’s mine with features you’ve never played with before. I will continue to maintain and update OriginPalia for as long as I can. OriginPalia comes packed with general enhancements like Instant Fishing, ESPs, Silent Aim, Teleport to and from any entities, and more. OriginPalia is in active development – bugs, not catchable ones, may exist.
Palia Compatibility
Game Version 0.180.0
- Standalone Client
- Steam Client
Menu Usage
- INSERT – Toggle the menu open/closed (or use the X button on the menu).
- Core Save – Automatically saves configured values for major inputs (movement options, fishing options.
ESP & Visuals:
- Enable ESP (enable or disable drawing ESPs in-game)
- Limit ESP Distance (change the distance in which ESPs will show)
- Show unclassified entities (shows potentially unnamed or unmapped entities. Good for getting more from updates etc)
Player & Entities ESP
- Players, NPCs, Fish, Fish Pools, Loot, Quests, Rummage Piles, and Stables.
Ores ESP
- Options to toggle visibility and color customization for various sizes (Small, Medium, Large) of ores like Clay, Stone, Copper, Iron, and Palium.
Forageables ESP
- Toggle settings for various types of forageables, each with normal and starred versions. Coral, Oyster, Shells, various flowers, moss types, mushrooms, spices, and vegetables.
Trees ESP
- Control visibility and customize color settings for various types and sizes of trees, including Bush, Sapwood, Heartwood, and Flow-Infused types.
Animals ESP
- Quality tiers such as Sernuk, Chapaa, and Muujin, including special categories like minigame-specific animals.
Bugs ESP
- Common, uncommon, rare, and epic qualities. Manage settings for bugs like Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Cicadas, Crabs, Crickets, Dragonflies, Glowbugs, Ladybugs, Mantises, Moths, Pedes, and Snails.
Selling & Items:
- Quick Sell Items interface (sell preset or custom amounts of items from your inventory slots)
Skills & Player:
- Anti AFK (never get kicked for inactivity, helpful during long fishing sessions)
Aimbots & Fun:
- Silent Aimbot (within ~25-30m or shots won’t teleport and validate)
- Legacy Aimbot (work-in-progress / camera boom angle changes when aiming. Working on predictive angle offsetting during this bow transition)
- Aim Smoothing slider (makes your aim less sticky. Easier to target other animals)
- Aim Offset Adjustment draggable grid (should help adjust the issue with bow aiming camera boom changes for now)
- Enable FOV Circle (FOV circle with advanced targeting functionality based on entity scoring)
- Teleport To Targeted entity (bottom side mouse button)
- Avoid teleporting to players (safeguard for avoiding teleportation to player entities)
- Avoid teleporting when players are near (safeguard for potentially exposing your cheat to others.)
- Teleport Dropped Loot To Player (automatically teleport all dropped loot to your player to gather)
Movement & Teleportation:
- Enable NoClip (fly around the map without restrictions. Hooks your WASD keys for movement)
- Teleport to map waypoint (Instantly teleport to your map waypoint for faster traversal)
- Selectable Movement Modes (Walking, Flying, Fly No Collision) (another way to mess with your movement types)
- Global Game Speed input (changes your global game speed [timescale mod])
- Walk Speed input (change the speed of your player walking. Has issues above “high”)
- Climbing Speed input (change the speed of your player climbing. Should work all the way)
- Gliding Speed input (change the speed of your player gliding. Haven’t noticed any issues)
- Gliding Fall Speed input (set this to “none” for 1.0 gliding fall speed. Glide forever and get where you want)
- Jump Velocity input (change the jump height of your player)
- Step Height input (change the step height of your player. Step over massive walls and such)
Fishing Settings:
- Enable Instant Fishing (force end fishing when your bobber hits the water)
- Perfect Catch option (choose whether your catch was perfect or not every time)
- Enable Fast Fishing (Automatically re-cast your fishing rod, with the option for left-click requirement or fully autonomous)
- Instant Sell All Fish (Automatically sell all fish from every inventory slot)
- Discard Non-Fish (Automatically discard non-fish items from your inventory when fishing. Open a shop once for this to work)
- Open Waterlogged Chests & Store Them (Automatically opens all waterlogged chests and sends the item to your home storage during fishing)
- Force fishing pool (selectable dropdown of available fishing pools to force fish from)
Locations & Coordinates:
- Display current coordinates (use these coordinates to perform certain actions)
- List of teleport locations (a good list of easily teleportable locations to efficiently perform tasks such as shopping, repairing, etc)
- Custom coordinate input (enter or get custom coordinates to perform certain actions)
- Buttons for teleport actions (teleport home, to locations, and other actions)
Housing Features:
- Place housing objects anywhere (decorate your house any way you’d like)